Ordering test prints to check colour
The easiest way to order a test print is via our website, upload your image and choose a size you're comfortable with. If you want to check the colour, there's no need to crop your image unless you prefer to see it at its final scale. If you want to check the colour, density and resolution (sharpness of an image), then you can follow our guide below:
Ordering test prints to check colour and resolution
You can choose a rectangular size (such as A4) or a longer test strip, including detail and colour across a larger artwork section.
You can crop your image in your editing application, or if you crop your image via our uploader, you can reduce the test print to match your desired image quality at the intended (final) print size.
Upload your image and select the final size you would like, then use our crop tool to select an area of the image you want to check as a smaller test print (hard proof). You can watch a video guide here:
To match the print resolution of the test strip to the final print, click on "Image Quality" and match the dots per inch (DPI) as closely as possible to your intended (final) print size:
If you're unsure and would like some advice to check the inherent resolution, image quality and colour, please contact us, and we can advise whether an A4 proof or test strip is more appropriate.
Note: We don’t offer test prints for mounted products as paper prints; we advise that you order the smallest size available so you can thoroughly inspect the product, mount it, and apply any lamination or coating to the artwork.
Test printing appointments
We are available for appointments to print a hard proof of your image at our studio in East London. If your file is print-ready, this service costs £20 a test print/strip for one or more of your images up to A3.
If you need us to check your image and make adjustments, you can go ahead and book an appointment for a more extended consultation here. Consultation appointments are charged as follows:
£35 for a 30-minute consultation, including a test print/strip for one or more of your images up to A3.
£70 for an hour consultation, including two test prints/strips for one or more of your images up to A3.
For a full breakdown of editing charges, please take a look at this page.
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